Shroud of Turin Australia

Uncovering the truth

Shroud of Turin Australia Events

Sydney, Australia will be the host to this unique international event, which boldly investigates the intersection of modern science and faith. This event that will deliver the worlds most respected Shroud of Turin researchers in what are some of the world's most beautiful and unique event locations.

The Shroud of Turin Australia (SOTAU) events are scheduled to be held in late 2022

Register your interest here

Shroud of Turin Australia Key Speakers

Bob Rucker

He earned an MS degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, US. He then worked in the nuclear industry for 38 years doing nuclear core analysis of nuclear reactors, statistical analysis of nuclear measurements, and criticality safety calculations for nuclear fuel production and handling. In this process, he wrote 41 peer-reviewed documents for US nuclear agencies. Robert has been researching the Shroud since 2014, including nuclear analysis computer calculations to solve the carbon dating problem for the Shroud, and organized an international conference on the Shroud in 2017. His papers on the Shroud are available on the research page of his website Robert was recently invited to give a keynote address on the Shroud at a three-day technical conference sponsored by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing ( This presentation, titled “Overview of the Shroud of Turin to Promote Testing”, was delivered at the conference to enlist participation in preparing a testing plan the next phase of testing of the Shroud of Turin, which hopefully could take place in 2025. The paper documenting this presentation is available as paper #32 at

Bob Rucker

Russ Breault

Russ Breault

RUSS BREAULT has been researching and lecturing on The Shroud of Turin for over 30 years. His highly acclaimed presentation known as Shroud Encounter makes use of over 200 superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. The audience is intrigued as each clue is revealed and becomes another piece of a grand puzzle as the mystery of the Shroud is explored. Carefully designed to be educational and entertaining, he delivers a dynamic, fast-paced experience. Mr. Breault is the president and founder of the Shroud of Turin Education Project Inc. The mission is to: “Advance the knowledge of the shroud to a new generation.” His websites are and . Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. His presentation was in preparation for The Museum of the Bible’s innovative interactive exhibit about the Shroud of Turin that is planned to start February 26, 2022, and run to July 21, 2022.